Tips for correct bug report creating

Maksym Goroshkevych
3 min readJul 8, 2020

We know that each well-described bug report speeds up development work and improves product quality. A clear bug report should help quickly understand what the problem is. You could create your own style of describing a bug, but there are still basic criteria for writing. From our experience, in that case, we defined the best way to make bug reports more understandable and, as a result, our working process more effective.

Here are some tips from us that will make the bug report understandable.

The title should be based on the principle “What? Where? When?”

And this rule must be followed. One style makes writing a title easier and more readable, both for the developer and for the QA engineer themselves. The description should be informative and concise at the same time.

Do not describe too much in the title, all the extras can be specified in the description.

In the description, write in detail all the necessary information which will help to understand the problem. Add as much bug information as possible. If there are special conditions for reproducing the bug, it must be described (e.g. kind of browser, or its version, input data, coupons etc.). After a while, you won’t be able to remember all the details of this bug, and you’ll need to spend time explaining it to the developer or tester.

Steps to reproduce

They must be clear and unambiguous. The description should be clear to the developer and the QA engineer who are not very well versed in the interface. Specify exactly where to click and where the items you need are. There should not be more than 6 items. If you need more, try to describe them in the precondition or in the description.

Actual and Expected Result

Try not to copy and paste the actual result from the title. Sometimes the problem can be described in other words so that it is understood. Write the expected result in the same style as the title, trying not to deviate from the principle of “What? Where? When?”. But if you need to describe more on the requirements, you can go beyond.

Priority is important.

Don’t forget to prioritize. With a lot of tasks and bugs and a lack of time, this will help you quickly determine what exactly needs to be done.

About importance of manual test engineers read here


Screenshots must be attached. If it is not possible to take a screenshot of the bug that is being reproduced, then take at least a screenshot of the page, the form, approximately where it is reproduced. This way you will indicate where to look, which will save you time. Video is not so mandatory, but it can be used to show playback steps and complex bugs that are difficult to describe.


Labels can be used in every system, whether Jira, Trello, and others. Sometimes they are underestimated. They can be used for filtering back end, front end, automation and for different notes for the team.


Time is a very valuable resource for development. Write as detailed and high-quality bug reports as possible to avoid wasting time re-explaining the bug or completely rejecting it due to an inability to reproduce it. Use this simple tips to make your bug reports understandable for anyone in the process to make an effective and productive workflow.

